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Collage of MAC-ASHI members

More often than not, you're in the position of recommending, probably even scheduling, the home inspection. And, of course, you want the very best for your clients. How can you be sure the inspectors you recommend are up to your standards? Your reputation is on the line when you are involved in the process of hiring or recommending an inspector to your client.

Do your clients want to choose their own Home Inspector? Send them the link below and tell them that a MAC-ASHI member will be able to help them.

Ready to find a MAC-ASHI Home Inspector? Click Here!

If you're like most experienced agents, you've found one inspector you really trust; there are a few with whom you're reasonably comfortable; and there are a few on your own private "never call again" list. But what do you do if the one you really trust isn't available when you need them?

You can count on a MAC ASHI member to be among the very best qualified and most experienced inspectors available. All MAC ASHI inspectors are members of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI®). ASHI membership requirements are the most stringent in the industry, with the strictest testing, experience, and continuing education requirements.

You can rest assured that when your client has a home inspection by a MAC-ASHI member, they will be getting the full picture of the property, so they have all the information they need to make a truly informed choice.